Saturday, June 28, 2008


Cats! I hate them!!! So there is this stupid orange tabby cat in the neighborhood that when it is garbage day, decides to destroy and eat everyones I called animal control. They came and set up a cat cage with cat food in it. Well the cat food wasn't exactly cutting it, so today I threw a pork chop in there and it snatched the cat. So I called the PD to come pick up the cat, however the cat was so crazy and flipping out in the cage it managed to push hard enough just as he was putting the cage in the car and the cat got away! DAMN CAT! So now we are back at square one all over again. So please pray that MR. kitty comes back to the pork chop and we catch him again. Only this time we will employ better measures to keep him contained. AHHHHH!!!

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